Reality. What is it? I mean… really. What is this notion of existence that we call reality? The dictionary defines it as “ The world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.” The alternate definition is ” The state or quality of having existence or substance.” Reality, and thus all “real” things, is simply something that exists. We often limit this to the physical world, to things we can see and feel, hear or smell. We exclude things such as dreams or ideas from reality because we cannot actually touch them. They haven’t become a reality.
I heard a while back in a video by Jon Jorgenson a quote that I haven’t been able to get out of my mind. He was speaking about the attributes of God and His various characteristics.
“What if it’s all more real than our current definition of reality can contain?” – Jon Jorgenson
This quote just knocked me down. It took me a while to fully process what this statement meant, but once I did, I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. Think about it. Our definition of reality is, in essence, a state of existence. We are, however, speaking from a limited point of view in this area because we live in a limited perspective here on earth. As a result, our idea of reality revolves around the physical, around that which we can see.
But God was here before the physical was created, and before even time itself was created. If we are Christian we know that He is real, so we can’t say that He isn’t real just because we can’t see, feel, or touch Him all the time. That’s where this mind-blowing statement comes in. What if our perspective is the one that’s skewed? What if God is even more real than our own perspective? What if God is simply too real for our current definition of reality to contain.
This earth and this life will eventually pass away, and cease to exist, thereby making them no longer real. But God, God will never dissapear. He has always existed and will always exist. The physical world has both a beginning and an end. Mark 13:31 says that even Heaven will pass away, giving way to a new heaven, but God’s word never will.
” Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. ” – Mark 13:31
My favorite name for God is I Am. I love it so much because it reminds me of His eternal, persevering, and all powerful nature. It reminds me that that He is loving when I feel unloved, He is strong when I am weak, and He is there whenever I need Him. This title, I Am, also nods towards the fact that He is, as I said, eternal. He has no beginning and no end. He wasn’t formed and His form will never end. That is what makes Him more real than our current definition can contain. So what if He is?
Right. Since we are just “ships passing in the night”, and God is eternal, I guess that makes US the lest real, and He is the ultimate reality. (Thankfully, He has granted us the possibility of joining Him in Eternity, but it isn’t what we are in our present state.)