Last week, I took a short trip to Fishers of Men Mexico south of Mexico City. Some of you may remember that my family took a trip down there four years ago in June of 2014 to serve at the Refuge Ranch. This year was a little different. This year, we went down for a […]
A Haiti Update
As I sit down to write this I still don’t know exactly what to say. I suppose I’ll start with an explanation of what is happening, and we’ll go from there. At the end of January, I will be going on a mission trip to Haiti again. I can’t wait to finally go down there again! […]
The Hickey Family
Today’s post is going to be a tad bit different than any of the other’s I’ve done on here. I want to tell you all about an amazing family that has been a friend to me for several years now. They’ve loved and encouraged me in my faith and in my everyday life for a […]
Chasing Our Chickens
Today I have a bit of a different kind of post for you. This one is a story about something that happened to me recently. Just a warning, it’s gonna be a bit strange, but we’re all a little strange every once and a while, right? Stick around until the end though, because I actually […]
A Story from the Mountaintop
Last week I shared just a little bit about my last trip to Haiti. I didn’t tell nearly all of it, though, so I’m going to be writing a few posts here and there with a few stories I think are worth their very own article. So, let’s get to it then. On our fist […]
The Haiti Update
Ahhh, I’m back. Last week I went on my second trip to Haiti, the first being last summer. This one was different than the last in many ways. This one was a medical mission. I was one of only four youth on the trip. I got to travel to a few new villages I hadn’t […]
He Knows My Name
I recently joined a group for young writers such as myself to get together as a community and share our knowledge. This group, the Young Writer’s Workshop, was started by a man by the name of Brett Harris, who wrote the book Do Hard Things and launched the Rebelution Movement along with his twin brother Alex. Now, […]
My Declaration
This is a post I’ve been wanting to write for a while. This is my declaration, my story. Enjoy. All my life I’ve felt different. When I was in elementary school, my mom tells me I used to get off the bus after school and tell her, “Mom, I’m different than all the other kids, […]
The Passion of Christ
When did we lose our wonder? When did we start seeing miracles as commonplace, and blessings as expected? When did grace cease to be amazing to us? Since I have returned from Haiti, these questions have been running through my mind, so this is what I have concluded. It seems to me that the church […]
My First Trip to Haiti
I hardly know where to begin describing my trip to Haiti. My life will forever be changed by that experience. We arrived in Haiti Friday night around dinner time, so we picked our beds and went into the dining hall/ team center for our dinner. The next day, we didn’t really have a set […]