I am, a difference maker
Oh I am, a difference maker
Oh I am, the only one who speaks to Him
And I am the friendliest of friends of God.
I am on fire for God, I have done so much for Him and I go to church every Sunday. I even sponsor a helpless orphan in Africa. I pray to Him every day and even sing about Him while I work. I am a righteous man of God.
This is what we begin to think sometimes when we do things for God. We look back at all He has done through us and think,” I’ve done so much for God, I’m a great Christian,” The song Difference Maker by NEED TO BREATHE sheds some light on the hypocrisy of thinking what you do for God will save you. The main point of the song is that you cannot be a true “difference maker” until you realize that you alone cannot make a difference, and need God’s help to do so.
Throughout the song, you hear the prideful man singing out the chorus at the beginning of this post as he looks out on all that he thinks he’s done. The majority of the song, though, is sung by someone who has learned that its not by what he does that these things are accomplished, but he observes the prideful man falling for the same trap.
Not surprisingly, the Bible has some to say regarding this pitfall, and it points us towards what we should boast of, “but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD who exercises loving kindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things,” declares the LORD.” – Jeremiah 9:24
We don’t need to boast about doing great things, because we are not the ones who did them, we are simply the vessels. What we do need to boast about is that we know God, and that we are His to be used for His purposes and to His Glory.
My favorite verse in the song, though, is when they sing, ” So if you’re beating death then raise your hand but shut up if you’re not,” This puts to shame our thoughts of being great and righteous because it points out that, to be righteous, we must defeat death, a feat none but God can do. We always want be able to save ourselves by what we do, but we don’t realize that to save yourself means beating death and covering your own sins with your good works. This verse in the song reminds me of the time Jesus said, “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her,” We want to condemn others for their sin, thinking ourselves more righteous than them, but then we are reminded that we are just as imperfect as them.
So let this be a reminder to you, be wary of pride in your life, and remember that it is not you who accomplishes these acts, but what Christ does through you.
Yet not I, but Christ.