One of my favorite songs is the song How He Loves Us by David Crowder. I would like to write about this song, but so many of the verses are impacting, so I will go through it by the verse and discuss the ones I have found interesting.
The song starts out with the line ,” He is jealous for me,” and I find it very meaningful that this is the first verse, because it is one that is very important to remember. God is jealous for me. He created me, and he has no intentions of sharing me with another idol, whatever it may be. The second verse is an amazing simile ,” Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree, bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy”. He loves with such an intense power that it bends us beneath its weight. To understand this, you must understand that God is the very definition of love and power. He cannot help but love us, broken as we are, and he does so with all of his being, which in my opinion is quite large and powerful.
The next line is the beginning of the chorus, and says this; “Oh, how He loves us.” Because this is the chorus, it must be important. It is once again showing that God loves us greatly and infinitely. The song goes through these verses a couple more times and then comes to the climax, of the song, which begins with, ” And we are His portion and He is our Prize.” This is saying that we are His chosen people and He is the reward we will receive in heaven. The next verse continues saying,” drawn to redemption be the grace in his eyes.” This means that when we see that He loves us and is willing to forgive us, we run to Him and repent. The next verse then says, ” if His grace is an ocean we’re all sinking.” His love is so great for us that we are sinking in it because of its immeasurable depth. This next verse is one of my favorite in the entire song,;” And heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss.” When God finally comes it will be such a surprise that we will be blown away in awe. The next verse continues from this feeling by saying, ” and my heart turns violently inside of my chest.” He is saying that this event will be such a shock that we won’t know what to think of it. I love how the next part says this; ” But I don’ t have time to maintain these regrets when I think about, the way … that He loves us, oh, how He loves us,” The song goes on with the chorus and finishes, but these verses are saying that you don’t even care about these feelings mixed inside of you when you think about the fact that God loves you.
I hope you gained something from this song and blog, God bless you.
Desiree says
This is one of my absolute favorite songs too Darrel!! You wrote this beautifully.