Consider the Lilies
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Not a beard, or a few grey hairs peeking through your scalp. I mean, what do you really see? Do you see a piece of trash, someone broken and imperfect? Do you see a work of art, created in the image of God? More likely, […]
Fear and Trembling
I was recently reading a biography of George Muller, and I came across something I would like to share. After he preached his first sermon at a little country church while he was in seminary, he was struck by how much greater an impact a simple sermon had over that of a complex theological masterpiece. […]
When Necessary, Use Words
“Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary, use words.” – Saint Francis of Assisi These famous words of Saint Francis of Assisi are often quoted by those who are fed up with the church not practicing what it preaches. They are meant to illustrate the point that if we don’t actually live out the […]
The Church and the World
In 1 Corinthians 5, Paul addresses a rather sensitive and oft-avoided topic in the church. In this chapter, he discusses the issues of immorality in the church, excommunication, and the difference between those in the church and those outside of it. Let’s read the beginning of the chapter and dive into its meaning: “It is […]
The Story of Hosea
Hosea is a book full of rebellion, redemption, destruction, and healing. Throughout the entire fourteen chapters we see parallels from Hosea’s marriage to the adulterer Gomer to the relationship between God and His chosen people. At the very beginning, we see God do something very strange. Instead of simply commanding Hosea to deliver a message […]
Ordinary Folk
“Saruman believes it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay… small acts of kindness and love.” – Gandalf Ah Gandalf, wizard of Middle Earth, lover of Hobbits, […]
Called to Obey
Called to Obey by Grace Maples The nightly news. It’s depressing, appalling, and scary for Christians to watch. The world is going downhill, and we must act to stop it! Yet, we often times get into our routine and try to fit in with the world instead of fight. We strive to be popular instead […]
For God so Loved
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16 This has to be the most known verse in the entire Bible. We say it so often that I think we no longer pay attention, repeating […]
The Haiti Update
Ahhh, I’m back. Last week I went on my second trip to Haiti, the first being last summer. This one was different than the last in many ways. This one was a medical mission. I was one of only four youth on the trip. I got to travel to a few new villages I hadn’t […]